If you have any questions about compliance issues related to responsible sourcing, please contact us.
Responsible sourcing
As a responsible corporation, NDB is committed to protecting human rights and the environment.

We aspire to build environmentally friendly products and implement environmental stewardship into all parts of our operations.
Alongside opportunities, we foresee certain risks that we must care about, such as the welfare of people and the protection of the environment.
Therefore, NDB strives to implement a responsible and transparent supply chain. NDB complies with all applicable national and international laws and regulations, including the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) principles industry standards.
NDB implements its responsible sourcing policy and conforms to the OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, enabling us to ensure our commitment to an accountable and transparent supply chain.
According to the OECD guidance, NDB will implement a due diligence process to comply with its responsible sourcing policy.
To sustain this transparent and responsible supply chain, NDB works on a reliable system to prevent and minimize the direct or indirect impacts caused by any of the R&D and production stages or beyond.
Our system includes continuous engagement and training of our employees, internal awareness activities, and promoting good practices in all our operations where NDB has substantial influence.
Since sustainability cannot be achieved as a stand-alone goal, NDB collaborates with other participants. We are committed to engaging with partners, stakeholders, customers, and other communities to fulfill our commitments.
NDB expects its suppliers to comply with its Responsible Sourcing Policy. NDB uses reasonable efforts to seek this commitment from its suppliers by integration of the Responsible Supply-chain Policy and the Supplier Code of Conduct into its supplier agreements or through all reasonable efforts.

Responsible supply chain policy
DB recognizes that risks of significant adverse impacts may be associated with extracting, trading, handling, and exporting materials.
As a downstream actor in the materials supply chain, we recognize that our company is responsible for respecting human rights and not contributing to conflict.
We commit to making reasonable efforts to implement the following policies.
NDB notifies its suppliers that it expects them to abide by its Responsible Sourcing Policy. NDB reserves the right to make any change to this Responsible Supply-chain Policy at any time within its sole and absolute discretion.
Serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport, or trade of materials.

Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups.

Public or private security forces.

Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals.

Money Laundering.