NDB reserves the right to make any change to this Code at any time within its sole and absolute discretion; suppliers will be notified on NDB’s website.
Supplier code of conduct
NDB requires from its Suppliers the implementation of this Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure the respect of human rights and dignity in a safe working environment for their employees (“workers”), the respect of the environment, and the promotion of an inclusive and ethical business culture, per the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions.
Suppliers shall comply with applicable laws and regulations of countries in which operations are managed or services provided. Trade Suppliers shall comply with all applicable international trade laws concerning any raw materials, parts, products, and services delivered to NDB, in particular those relating to radioisotopes and radioactive materials such as the International Atomic Energy Agency or Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements and guidelines regarding the manufacture, production, acquisition, use, storage transfer, and transportation of the sources containing sealed radioactive materials and by-product materials. Moreover, NDB controls public exposures and maintains constant surveillance of licensed material not in storage and secure stored licensed material from unauthorized access, removal, or use.
Human Rights
Prohibition of forced labor

Prohibition of child labor and management of juvenile workers

Prohibition of excessive overtime

Wages and welfare

Humane treatment

Prohibition of discrimination

Guaranteeing the freedom of association

Working environment
Health and Safety

Emergency preparedness

Managing industrial hygiene

Managing physically demanding work

Machine safeguarding

Prohibition of corrupt and illegal practices, conflict of interest

Protection of intellectual property rights

Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups.Personal information

Management System
Compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct

Documentation and records

Suppliers' responsibilities

Specific requirements for materials
Suppliers are expected to make their best effort to avoid all materials sourced through any illegal and unethical means.
More specifically, suppliers shall establish and maintain a policy to verify and inform NDB whether the materials are from conflict-affected or high-risk areas.
The origin of the materials shall be disclosed at NDB’s request if it considers there is a possibility that human rights violations have been involved.
Suppliers shall incorporate an OECD for Responsible Supply Chains of materials from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas five-step framework:
- Establish strong company management systems
- Identify and assess risk in the supply chain
- Design and implement a strategy for identified risks
- Carry out an independent third-party audit of supply chain due diligence at identified points in the supply chain
- Report on supply chain due diligence
Due Diligence process
NDB, will implement a five-steps due diligence process to ensure the respect of its Responsible Sourcing Policy.
Establish a strong company management system

Protection of intellectual property rights

Identify and assess risk in the supply chain

Design and implement a strategy to respond to identified risks and assess risk in the supply chain

Carry out an independent third-party audit of supply chain due diligence at identified points in the supply chain

Report on supply chain due diligence